martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

My Arrival in Barcelona

Day 1: Kudos to Delta and SkyTeam. They really had their crap together which made for a very enjoyable and painless trip over here. The weather was nice the entire way, meaning no turbulence or delays. When I arrived in Amsterdam, Netherlands at then end of the second of three legs of my journey I had to go through customs. THOSE WERE THE NICEST CUSTOMS OFFICIALS EVER! I finally arrived in Barcelona and claimed my bags around 12:30 local time, making my travel time about 15 hours. Next up was dropping my bags off at my homestay apartment and meeting my new host mom. She is a very nice woman named Conchita. At this point I really wanted nothing more than to sleep, but I was not able to because of a mandatory orientation. Conchita helped me navigate the Metro to my destination and then I was on my own with nothing, but a few maps to help me find my way home. Orientation was... well it was orientation. The five other interns that arrived yesterday and myself sat in a classroom and for a little over 2 hours learned about how to be safe in the city. Miraculously, none of us fell asleep. Afterwards, we took a short walk around the original city center and got ice cream. Then after asking if we knew how to make it home, our guide left us. It had been a long day, but no one was in a hurry to get home so we went out for a beer before returning to our respective homes in different parts of the city. I finally walked back into my apartment around 9:30 and spoke with my host mom a bit while she prepared dinner. Finally after 30 hours of being up and at it (minus two on the plane), I dragged myself to bed.

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